Community Service
Rotary Community Service

Like most Rotary Clubs, Vancouver Sunrise has long been active in providing service to our local community.
For 24 consecutive years, ever since our club was founded, we have hosted a gala Christmas luncheon party for the senior residents of the city's West End community. Many of these people are nearly shut-ins who really look forward to this opportunity to get out and enjoy a major event with 200 to 300 of their elderly neighbours. Rotary arranges for a downtown hotel to host this event each year, provides some of the food for the turkey dinner, and arranges for Santa to make an appearance. Local singing groups entertain with seasonal carols, club members mingle with the crowd, and the seniors have a special day to remember.
Our service to the youth of the community is described on the page titled "Youth Projects" and includes our ongoing relationship with a West End school and an east side community centre.