International Projects
International Service

For several years starting in 2002, the Rotary Club of Vancouver Sunrise supported the two small villages of Utha and Dixie in rural South Africa, by assisting in setting up Nursery Schools and Community Centers. Dean Rohrs (centre, above) and other members of our club travelled to these impoverished villages several times to check on the progress of the school projects.
More recently, our club has helped Vancouver-area firefighters send used fire trucks to areas of San Salvadore where this equipment was badly needed.
One of our club members has travelled to Ukraine as a volunteer over a period of 5 years to assist charities there adapt to the new market economies of their country after the fall of the Soviet Union. During her work there, Ann-Shirley Goodell noted that a local Rotary club could be of help, so she arranged for our club to sponsor a new club in Zaporozhia. Four of the charter members of this new club visited Vancouver and attended a meeting of our club, which gave all of us an opportunity to get acquainted.
Starting in 2010, Vancouver Sunrise has been raising funds to help set up and equip a centre for training caregivers who serve Down Syndrome youth in central Mexico. Our "Mexican Fiesta" evenings fund this program, along with contributions from the Rotary Club of Leon, Mexico, and The Rotary Foundation.
In 2011 we are investigating ways that our club might help support the training of police women in Afghanistan. Under the leadership of Vancouver telejournalist Alison MacLean, this program hopes to help build a peaceful society "Outside the Wire" in that war-torn country.